After doing a search - look for a Download link in the top-right corner of the search result tables. The Download option is available on the Investor, Company, Advisor, M&A Professional, and Transaction search pages. Downloads are not available on individual company, advisor, or investor pages.
How it Works
After building a list on a search page, select Download. You will be prompted to name your file, and the export will automatically begin.
Selecting Download will deliver the first 250 records of your search via a CSV file. If you have more than 250 records, the balance of your search will be excluded. To get more, you'll need to narrow your initial search further using non-overlapping criteria (such as size or location).
By default, selecting Download will export all available fields of data. However, you can customize your export if by selecting the down arrow next to the Download button. To customize your download, after opening the list of available fields, check the fields of interest first, and then select Download.
To view available export fields across the Download enabled pages, click here.